Vakuum-Dispersionssystem Batt-TDS

Vakuum-Dispersionssystem - Batt-TDS - ystral gmbh maschinenbau + processtechnik - Pulver
Vakuum-Dispersionssystem - Batt-TDS - ystral gmbh maschinenbau + processtechnik - Pulver
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NEXT GENERATION TECHNOLOGY The Batt-TDS™ inducts powders dust-free under vacuum into a stream of liquid, thereby creating conditions for optimal dispersion of diverse components in a continuous sequence. Independent control of key parameters, including flow and shear rates, offers a wide process window in a single piece of equipment. A ‘swiss-army knife’ of process tools for battery slurry Dispersion of diverse materials is tailored according to their specific physical properties and topologies with the capability to produce high-solids slurries at high viscosities. Scalable and cost-efficient The Batt-TDS achieves high product quality in a fraction of the time required by conventional processes. Easily scalable across various battery chemistries, the Batt-TDS solution is suitable for production at current industrial levels and ready for tomorrow’s gigafactories. The platform offers a low cost of ownership with the highest productivity per square meter of factory space.


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