1. Produkte
  2. USB-Wandler / RS-485
  3. TELE Haase Steuergeraete GmbH

USB-Wandler / RS-485 S-USB485

USB-Wandler / RS-485 - S-USB485 - TELE Haase Steuergeraete GmbH - Industrie / kompakt / schnell
USB-Wandler / RS-485 - S-USB485 - TELE Haase Steuergeraete GmbH - Industrie / kompakt / schnell
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Weitere Eigenschaften
Industrie, kompakt, schnell, isoliert


Serial converter, USB - RS485 (fully isolated up to 5kV), Part No. 498513 The S-USB485 is a Serial Converter Isolated up to 5 kV, based on chip USB FTDI. Windows validated drivers download automatically when your PC is online. This device allows you to connect safely to any Modbus devices on RS485. Features -Max. baud rate: - 500 Kbit/sec - Max. common mode voltage: (A-B input-output) –60 V +60 V - Removable connectors/terminals - Transparent housing to view led indicators: TX, RX, Supply Drivers are also available for download at www.tele-online.com/products/sensact
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