Abgasabsauger für Werkstatt AMA
wandmontiertmit Schlauchaufroller

Abgasabsauger für Werkstatt - AMA - Stucchi 1950 S.r.l. - wandmontiert / mit Schlauchaufroller
Abgasabsauger für Werkstatt - AMA - Stucchi 1950 S.r.l. - wandmontiert / mit Schlauchaufroller
Abgasabsauger für Werkstatt - AMA - Stucchi 1950 S.r.l. - wandmontiert / mit Schlauchaufroller - Bild - 2
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für Werkstatt
wandmontiert, mit Schlauchaufroller


The AMA exhaust gas fan by Stucchi 1950 is a centrifugal fan with backward-curved impeller suitable for suction systems with high pressure drop. Available in the standard versions from 1 to 10 Hp with a voltage of 400V/50Hz, they can be made, according to needs, with different characteristics. The exhaust gas fan can be supplied with the suction and expulsion piping. Stucchi 1950 provides dedicated support for selection and sizing. A soundproof box is available as an accessory, useful for reducing the noise level of the fan and, in the case of outdoor installation, protecting it from atmospheric agents. The box is made of pyramidal sound-absorbing material with closed cells that ensures a reduction of 5 dBA. Models available: - AMA-1-S: 1 HP - 0.75 Kw - 400v / 50Hz / 3Ph - 37 Kg - 71 dBa - AMA-1,5-S: 1.5 HP - 1.1 Kw - 400v / 50Hz / 3Ph - 41 Kg - 72 dBa - AMA-2-S: 2 HP - 1.5 Kw - 400v / 50Hz / 3Ph - 54 Kg - 74 dBa - AMA-3-S: 3 HP - 2.2 Kw - 400v / 50Hz / 3Ph - 58 Kg - 86 dBa - AMA-4-S: 4 HP - 3 Kw - 400v / 50Hz / 3Ph - 70 Kg - 78 dBa - AMA-5,5-S: 5.5 HP - 4 Kw - 400v / 50Hz / 3Ph - 103 Kg - 80 dBa - AMA-7,5-S: 7.5 HP - 5.5 Kw - 400v / 50Hz / 3Ph - 118 Kg - 85 dBa - AMA-10-S: 10 HP - 7.5 Kw - 400v / 50Hz / 3Ph - 147 Kg - 86 dBa


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