VO Luftqualitätsmonitor Praxis/Handheld

VO Luftqualitätsmonitor - Praxis/Handheld - South Coast Science - CO2 / CO / SO2
VO Luftqualitätsmonitor - Praxis/Handheld - South Coast Science - CO2 / CO / SO2
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Gemessener Parameter
VOC, CO2, CO, SO2, NO, H2S, NO2, Ozon


- Praxis/Handheld (engineering prototypes in use) Personal air quality monitoring - the device can be hand-carried, attached to a backpack, or for in-vehicle use. * Environmental range from -40 to +50 C. * Any one gas from CO, H2S, NO, NO2, O3, SO2 and undifferentiated VOCs. (CO2 available later.) * PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. * GPS / GLONASS receiver. * Variable sampling rates with a frequency up to every five seconds. * Designed to connect to the user's mobile phone Wi-Fi hotspot real-time data delivery to the cloud or batch upload of data on return to base using Wi-Fi or ethernet. * 5 Volt USB power input, lithium-ion (Lion) rechargeable battery for up to 10 hours operation. * Runs Raspian operating system for robust operation. The Handheld is currently being evaluated in the field. It is available to selected customers as an experimental device.
* Die Preise verstehen sich ohne MwSt., Versandkosten und Zollgebühren. Eventuelle Zusatzkosten für Installation oder Inbetriebnahme sind nicht enthalten. Es handelt sich um unverbindliche Preisangaben, die je nach Land, Kurs der Rohstoffe und Wechselkurs schwanken können.