
Kondensations-Prüfkammer - Sanwood Technology - Spritzwasser / UV-Alterung / UV
Kondensations-Prüfkammer - Sanwood Technology - Spritzwasser / UV-Alterung / UV
Kondensations-Prüfkammer - Sanwood Technology - Spritzwasser / UV-Alterung / UV - Bild - 2
Kondensations-Prüfkammer - Sanwood Technology - Spritzwasser / UV-Alterung / UV - Bild - 3
Kondensations-Prüfkammer - Sanwood Technology - Spritzwasser / UV-Alterung / UV - Bild - 4
Kondensations-Prüfkammer - Sanwood Technology - Spritzwasser / UV-Alterung / UV - Bild - 5
Kondensations-Prüfkammer - Sanwood Technology - Spritzwasser / UV-Alterung / UV - Bild - 6
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Kondensation, Spritzwasser, UV-Alterung


UV lamp weathering test chamber Condensation In many outdoor environments, materials are placed in wet condition for over 12 hours each day. Studies have shown that the main factor of this wet condition outdoor is caused by dew, not rain. BUV simulates the outdoor moisture erosion through the unique condensation capabilities. In the condensation cycle during the test, water on the bottom of the chamber is heated to obtain superheated steam filling the test chamber. Hot steam makes the chamber maintain 100 relative humidity, and maintain a relatively high temperature. Sample was fixed on the wall of test chamber. Thus the sample surface is exposed to the ambient air of test chamber. The other side of the sample is exposed to the natural environment which has a cooling effect, bringing internal and external surfaces of the sample with temperature difference, and the temperature difference leads to the test surfaces always have drips caused by condensation process. ◆ Control the temperature automatically with high precision Pt 100 temperature sensor of black board. In each cycle, the temperature can be controlled at a set value. At the same time, the black panel thermometer can monitor the temperature. Temperature increase can accelerate the aging process, and the temperature control for reproducibility of the test is also very important.



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