Helium-Rückgewinnungssystem HESAVER
per Ansaugungfür additive Fertigungfür Heizkessel

Helium-Rückgewinnungssystem - HESAVER - MARPOSS - per Ansaugung / für additive Fertigung / für Heizkessel
Helium-Rückgewinnungssystem - HESAVER - MARPOSS - per Ansaugung / für additive Fertigung / für Heizkessel
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Weitere Eigenschaften
per Ansaugung
für Heizkessel, für additive Fertigung, für Verdichter


Helium consumption is a key factor in all high-performance helium leak testing systems. The optimal chemical-physical properties of helium make it the best trace gas for leak detection applications; the only negative factors are that the resources available from natural fields are limited and therefore helium is expensive. Marposs’ HeSAVER makes the production cost of leak testers absolutely negligible compared to BoP without trace gas recovery. Save costs even with high quality production control A high efficiency helium recovery system connected to the leak test machines, either integrated or as a stand-alone unit, provides a fully integrated process, giving better system reliability with the shortest payback period ever.


2 Seiten


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19-21 Feb. 2025 Seoul (Südkorea)

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    3-08 März 2025 Taipei (Taiwan Region)

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