Hyperspektrale Kamera Specim FX10
LaborIndustriefür die Landwirtschaft

Hyperspektrale Kamera - Specim FX10 - Konica Minolta Sensing Americas - Labor / Industrie / für die Landwirtschaft
Hyperspektrale Kamera - Specim FX10 - Konica Minolta Sensing Americas - Labor / Industrie / für die Landwirtschaft
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Industrie, Labor, für die Landwirtschaft
Nahinfrarot, hyperspektral
Weitere Eigenschaften
Hochgeschwindigkeit, Leichtbauweise


FX10 is an out-of-the-box hyperspectral imaging camera designed for industrial and laboratory use. Operating on visible light and near-infrared region, this lightweight hyperspectral imaging device is a heavyweight champion in its ability to detect far beyond what is possible with either the human eye or an RGB camera. It is also a high-speed machine, with a CMOS sensor with 512 spatial pixels and 220 spectral channels supporting 330 fps at full resolution. Among its many applications, FX10 is widely used for hyperspectral scanning in vegetation and agriculture inspection as well as phenotyping, color and density in printing, mining, recycling, black plastics, and food quality. This is an instrument so sensitive it can detect the onset of disease in a plant before there are any outward signs; the development of bruises inside a perfect looking apple.


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