Linearer Positioniertisch FBL80 Aluminum Work Bench

Linearer Positioniertisch - FBL80 Aluminum Work Bench - FUYU Technology - motorisiert / Mehrachsen / kompakt
Linearer Positioniertisch - FBL80 Aluminum Work Bench - FUYU Technology - motorisiert / Mehrachsen / kompakt
Linearer Positioniertisch - FBL80 Aluminum Work Bench - FUYU Technology - motorisiert / Mehrachsen / kompakt - Bild - 2
Linearer Positioniertisch - FBL80 Aluminum Work Bench - FUYU Technology - motorisiert / Mehrachsen / kompakt - Bild - 3
Linearer Positioniertisch - FBL80 Aluminum Work Bench - FUYU Technology - motorisiert / Mehrachsen / kompakt - Bild - 4
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Weitere Eigenschaften
kompakt, Präzision, Aluminium, Rollen, Flachprofil, Langhub, Hochgeschwindigkeit, maßgefertigt, Rollengewinde, Gleitsystem, für Schwerlast, geführt / reibungslos, Industrie, Kugelgewindespindel

Max: 3.900 mm
(153,543 in)

Min: 200 mm
(7,874 in)


3.000 mm/s


【Product Feature】 Fuyu Workbench, with a wide variety of aluminum profiles, can seamlessly integrate into the high quality appearance of the support profile. The special aluminum color coating enhances the overall appearance of your application system. It is suitable for assembly applications, trade shows, production applications or molds and other areas such as group work benches.Allcomponents are durable and corrosion resistant. 【Range of Application】 Mainly in the areas of special requirements such as clean room or electronics, medical equipment, etc., such as film, coupon, IC printing, CCD on-line detection, precise positioning detection of solder automation equipment, laser (laser cutting/laser marking/Laser engraving/laser drilling, etc.) precision assembly, precision machine tools, semiconductor production equipment, location detection, electronic production equipment, printing equipment. To get professional service, we have some questions for you, please try to answer in your enquiry: 1.What machine do you use the stage on? 2.How long stroke do need the linear be? 3.How is the load and speed need? 4.Do need motor and accessory together? If need OEM or other special requirement, please tell us.



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