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Schwebekörper-Durchflussmesser MODEL ‘A’
Volumenfür FlüssigkeitenFlansch

Schwebekörper-Durchflussmesser - MODEL ‘A’ - Flowtech Measuring Instruments Pvt. Ltd. - Volumen / für Flüssigkeiten / Flansch
Schwebekörper-Durchflussmesser - MODEL ‘A’ - Flowtech Measuring Instruments Pvt. Ltd. - Volumen / für Flüssigkeiten / Flansch
Schwebekörper-Durchflussmesser - MODEL ‘A’ - Flowtech Measuring Instruments Pvt. Ltd. - Volumen / für Flüssigkeiten / Flansch - Bild - 2
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für Flüssigkeiten
Edelstahl, Glas
zur Wasseraufbereitung, für die petrochemische Industrie, für Schifffahrtsanwendungen


Metal Tube Rotameters: “FLOWTECH” Metal Tube Variable Area Flow Meters (Rotameters) are intended for application where high pressure, temperature, OR corrosive conditions preclude the use of conventional glass tube. These are all Metal Variable Area type Flowmeter design to measure the flow rate of liquids, gases & steam under critical conditions. It consists of a tapered metal tube, an indicating assembly, and a float. A magnet encapsulated in float couples with rotating magnets connected to an indicating pointer, thus the movement of the float is accurately indicated in terms of flow rate. Design Features:- Simplified piping and reduced space The permanent magnetic link between metering float and motion position Precision swaged metering Heavy-duty welded float and guide Guide cartridges easily removable for cleaning Provide with Electrical transmitter, flow indicator, OR alarm. Performance:- Accuracy : +/- 2% F.S.D. Repeatability : 0.5 % Rangebility: 10:1 Scale length: 180 degrees Angular Pressure Ratings: 40 Bar Temperature Ratings: – 20º C to 250º C Connections: Flanged OR ScrewedEnclosure: IP 55 OR IP 65 on request Material Of Construction: Tube: 316SS, 316LSS, 304SS, Hastelloy ‘C”, Titanium Float: 316SS, 316LSS, 304SS, Hastelloy ‘C”, Titanium Indicator Box: ABS, Cast Al., SS End Fitting : 316SS, 316LSS, 304SS, Hastelloy ‘C”, Titanium


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