Stoßdämpfer FC1410
hydraulischIndustriefür Maschinen

Stoßdämpfer - FC1410 - CEC YUH BAW CO., LTD. - hydraulisch / Industrie / für Maschinen
Stoßdämpfer - FC1410 - CEC YUH BAW CO., LTD. - hydraulisch / Industrie / für Maschinen
Stoßdämpfer - FC1410 - CEC YUH BAW CO., LTD. - hydraulisch / Industrie / für Maschinen - Bild - 2
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Industrie, für Maschinen
Weitere Eigenschaften

Max: 12 N

Min: 5 N


10 mm
(0,39 in)


67 mm
(2,6 in)


12,2 mm
(0,5 in)


14 mm
(0,6 in)


101,9 mm
(4 in)


To save costs, factories typically use solid buffers such as polyurethane and rubber. However, these can result in noise and transient impacts. Choosing the right shock absorber can reduce impact vibrations and noise, improve efficiency, and extend the lifespan of machinery, thereby enhancing reliability and production yield. Additionally, noise reduction implies environmental friendliness. The function of CEC shock absorbers is to convert the kinetic energy of moving objects into heat, dissipating it into the atmosphere. They can smoothly and quietly stop the movement of objects before severe impacts occur. The FC series is designed with an adjustable structure. When encountering different loading, and different impact speeds, users can adjust the adjustment knob to modify the most appropriate scale, and perfectly absorb the energy generated by the objects. Compared to the SC series, the FC series has a higher energy absorption capacity and a larger range of applications. The FC1410 is a shock absorber that comes with a thread M14 pitch 1.5 or 1.0mm, each with 2 nuts, and the stroke is 10mm. This specific product is packaged in a PE bag and uses color box packing.
* Die Preise verstehen sich ohne MwSt., Versandkosten und Zollgebühren. Eventuelle Zusatzkosten für Installation oder Inbetriebnahme sind nicht enthalten. Es handelt sich um unverbindliche Preisangaben, die je nach Land, Kurs der Rohstoffe und Wechselkurs schwanken können.